Ode to the Bladderwort
by Danielle Page
A golden shovel after L.M. Montgomery
You nestle your roots in the deep, cold bog, all
Of yourself immersed in microscopic things
You beckon them to your snug bladders, great
Huntresses of the muck and mire, you are.
You are a marvel, a delicately petalled signal wound
In slender stalks and webbed roots shooting out and up.
Your diet is a strange delicacy, protozoa with
Phosphoric notes, which spreads out a feast for all
The Curious; how you fit into the system of living things,
How we, if wise, might claim grandeur in the very little.
Danielle Page is a truth-teller, writer, educator, and editor of the Clayjar Review. When she’s not reading up on composition theory, she’s scribbling in her moleskine journal or hiking a mountainous trail. Her work has appeared in Solid Food Press, The Amethyst Review, Ekstasis Magazine, and elsewhere.